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How To Leverage Your Current Realtors To Get 10x More Referrals

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Step 2:  Book A Call

I Don't know about you, but I'm not big on small talk. So to make the most of our time together, take 2-3 minutes and tell us about yourself. 

Aug 28, 2023 MLO Assessment Form

Did You Watch The Video In It's Entirety? 

Your Name:

Your Email Address:

Your Phone Number:

Link To Your Facebook Profile or @Instagram 

Are You A Loan Officer or Branch Manager

How Long Have You Been Originating Mortgages?

Whats Your Average Units Per Month

Whats Your Average Loan Amount?

What is your compensation in BPS?

How Many Hours Per Week Do You Work?

What is the biggest hurdle your facing right now that's preventing you from reaching your goals?

On a scale of 1-10, how committed are you to doubling your income?

On a scale of 1-10, how happy are you with your relationships in your life? (Spouse, Children, Family, Work)  

What outcomes would you like to achieve this year whether you work with Elysia or not?

 I am willing to invest at least 6 hours a week in order to reach my professional and personal goals.

I am willing to invest in myself financially

I am coachable and committed to my success

If you agree to show up to this call in a resourceful state, type “I agree” below.


If you liked this training and want to build a system that brings in countless leads and closings every month (with zero cold calling) then use the link below to check out MLO Money Group...